WordPress Hosting
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What is a Word Press and WordPress Hosting
WordPress Hosting is enabled by WordPress and it is a Content Management Software that can help design the websites for all purposes. It comes with its own mySQL Database (DB) for all query based portal development.
The WordPress is written in PHP language and for end users there is no need of doing coding for basic to medium website development.
Its easy to use with its drag and drop features, Adding Plugins for new features etc. so its very famous in the small to medium website development category and for bloggers.
WordPress Hosting
WordPress Hosting is just another hosting type that has been optimized for WordPress performance and security needs. This includes one click WordPress install as part of hosting setup to make it easy to kick start the website or a blog development.
There are effectively two different types of hosting. one is shared WordPress hosting and Managed WordPress hosting.
The WordPress hosting sample website refer here – https://travelxing.com/
Also Refer to – Blogging in Kannada – https://englishkannada.com/blogging-in-kannada/
What is a WordPress
WordPress is a content management software (CMS) software which is free and open source. It is also integrated with mySQL Database.
Why WordPress is Most Famous
It is a open source and free Content Management Software which is based on plugin Architecture and templates based system. These are called as Themes.
What is a Theme in WordPress
Themes are the pre developed templates to meet the various styles, look and feel and business needs. These Themes can be applied to running website or new website on the fly without altering the code.